Judging Him Faithful…
As a single person…
I once had a friend. I use the term “friend” very loosely though I really wanted her to be my good friend by virtue of the fact that we did stuff closely together and she was good at what she did. I honestly respected that.
I was forced into close proximity with her for various reasons and this lady was unbelievably conniving, manipulative, COMPETITIVE, arrogant…I could go on and on but you’d assume I had negative feelings toward her and I don’t. She used to brag and say “I be ….. girl oh” (a popular state where they’re known for being vicious fighters) and she then colored my impression of those who hailed from that region, to be honest.
I honestly in my estimation and silliness used to wonder who will marry dis geh??? But I found out she was dating a typical TallDarkHandsome guy who was actually in a position of authority. I thought to myself that let’s see how long it will last. I switched off of course and we parted ways.
Here I was, daughter of Zion, spiritual and holy sistren, trusting God for man? “Hello from the other side?? Your Majesty, I dey find husband abeg. Baba God, pick up your call☎️”
I really wasn’t searching for gist or gossip but the news got to me and I heard she got married??? “Repete???” And you see I usually was excited to hear someone close to me found their God given spouse. I would genuinely rejoice with them but this particular lady’s own got to me. I was like “God, this is unfair” and I could feel this way because even the scriptures acknowledge that it’s dumbfounding and the earth is unsettled when “a hateful woman is married” (Proverbs30:21&23a)but I learned “He causes His rain to fall on the just and the unjust”. So I lapsed into a resigned silence but He knew it didn’t leave my heart because I honestly wasn’t thinking about me alone. I knew GOOD women, amazing solid Christian ladies who were trusting God for a good man and it wasn’t like there weren’t suitors oh. They just wanted someone solid and known to be God ordained.
One day, I was invited for a good friend’s party. I usually don’t like to go out much. I’m a loyal couch potato?Anyways, I had to respond to this invitation because the host “Wuwo lowo mi” as yorubas say. I got to the party and tried to help but parties these days are often already organized to the letter. So I was again, forced to sit and just enjoy the food, the music and the view. Suddenly, this tall man walked in with a mini-entourage. I was again forced to look at who the person is. My eyes became Canon Camera…I zoomed in and recognition set in. This is my “friend’s” husband ☝?️. I looked at his entourage, mostly women of different shapes and sizes; the upper part of the clothes plunging deep and the lower part of their clothes riding high.
Gobsmacked is an understatement. To make matters worse, he sat DIRECTLY opposite me and the ladies surrounded his table. Then came his order with a loud, authoritative voice “E funmi ni Guder, Oti…bla bla”. Guess what, more ladies filed in and he beckoned at them or signaled where he was sitting. I quickly faced my jollof rice. Then the host came to meet me registering great displeasure of his using their party as a venue for his nefarious activities whilst his wife was out of the country.
The point of telling you this story is not to judge either my friend or her husband’s behavior neither is it to mock what may or may not be but to bring into perspective how we can look at other people’s “success” and accuse God of what we consider as our lack.
We must wait on God and whilst waiting, trust Him. We mustn’t envy the prosperity of the wicked. You have no clue whatsoever, what they’re battling with in the background but you’re before God comparing yourself to them, accusing God of being “unfair” and you need to stop ✋? because who you’re envying should be envying you.
In trusting The Almighty for a spouse, a job, a business partner, a need, a want, continue with the good that you do. Resist FIRMLY the urge to compare yourself with those who have seemingly attained what you’re reaching for. Walk your own walk, discipline jealousy, kill envy, befriend rejoicing. When your clouds are full, it will rain on you.
Because He’s faithFUL…even when you’re faithLESS?